Hack Passwords with Google

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Posted by Admin

Google is able to index almost everything now is more than satisfied, even this feature plays her very often to the benefit of those who have some pretty questionable purposes related all'hacking and infringement of Internet servers and websites. And 'Just a poorly configured web server to enable the' access to Google's crawlers, and directories containing sensitive information resources, configuration files and utilities password. And of course when Googlebot access to a resource accessible via HTTP provides "right" to index it and then making it available for research.

In this article we will see a list of interesting hacking techniques based on using Google to obtain credentials for access and use information to make intrusions and attacks. Try to just enter in the Google search box the search strings below in italics.

#1 Utilities and passwords stored on FTP and WS FlashFXP

WS FlashFXP and FTP are two popular FTP client, respectively, using a file called ws_ftp.ini and flashFXP.ini to save the information for access to FTP sites configured.
Search string for WAS FTP: intitle: index.of ws_ftp.ini or filetype: ini pwd WS_FTP or "index of /" "ws_ftp.ini" "parent directory"
Search string for FlashFXP: filetype: ini inurl: flashFXP.ini

#2 Utilities and passwords of sites created with Frontpage

Frontpage client is still widely used to create static web sites: the authentication system for automatic connection is based on the service.pwd file that contains the users and encrypted passwords that can be decoded with little effort by using John The Ripper.
Ricenca string: "#-FrontPage-" inurl: service.pwd

#3 Log files with users and passwords

It seems incredible but that happens very often the users and passwords for access to restricted areas or sites are stored in a file passwords.log. Try it yourself ...
Search string: filetype: log inurl: "password.log"

#4 Download complete database mdb Forums Web Wiz Forums

If a forum Web Wiz Forums is not properly configured, you can download the entire database in an instant!
String of ricenca: filetype: mdb wwforum

#5 VNC server interface exposed via Java Applet

VNC is a remote control software that can also be exposed via web through a Java applet that is normally listens on port 5800.
String of ricenca: intitle: vnc.desktop inurl: 5800 or "VNC Desktop" inurl: 5800

#6 Configuration file for proftpd

The configuration file for proftpd server contains a lot of information about installing, utilities and logs.
Search string: filetype: conf inurl: proftpd.conf-sample

#7 Create a user on the mail server pro Argosoft

If a mail server Argosoft is not properly configured, you can create your own mail user entering a URL ad hoc.
Search string: "adding new user" inurl: addnewuser - "there are no domains"

#8 Administration interface for Web Data Administrator Microsoft SQL Server

Web Data Administrator is a web utility written in ASP.NET and used to manage via a web database SQL Server.
Search string: intitle: "Web Data Administrator - Login"

#9 Files backup of passwords and configurations

Many managers are (rightly) used to make a backup copy before you edit a configuration file, and often change the extension. "Bak".
Search string: filetype: bak inurl: "htaccess | passwd | shadow | htusers"

#10 Archives of e-mail in Microsoft Outlook

Outlook stores the email on file with the extension. Pst: uploading a file of this type on Outlook you can access all the email that contains immediately.
Search string: outlook filetype: pst
