How To Create A Bootable Cd With Nero

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Posted by Admin


To begin, download the Microsoft Corporatiion.img file and remember the location where you download it to your computer
1. Start Nero
2. Double click on CD-ROM (boot)
3. Check Image File
4. Click on the Browse button, File of Type - All Files, Select the Image file
5. Keep the Nero Boot-Loader 07C0
6. Load Segment – 07C0
7. Number of loaded sectors – 4
8. Make the screen look like the following graphic
8. Click on the ISO tab
9. Configure it to match the following graphic
10. Click on the LABEL tab
11. You don’t need to but here are the default labels for the different versions of XP:
  • Windows XP Professional: WXPCCP_EN
  • Windows XP Home: WXHCCP_EN
  • Windows XP Professional OEM: WXPOEM_EN
  • Windows XP Home OEM: WXHOEM_EN
12. Click on the New button
13. Select your XP Source files and drag to the window on the left
14. Make your bootable XP CD.

Copying the Source Files

1. If your WindowsXP source files are already on the computer’s hard drive you can skip this section.
2. Insert your WindowsXP CD
3. If prompted, do not install WindowsXP
4. Create a directory on the hard drive and copy the entire contents of the CD to that directory
5. For example, use c:\winxp

Performing the SlipStream

1. Given the previous examples, go to the  c:\xp_sp2\i386\update directory
2. Run:
update.exe  -S:c:\winxp
3. When it is finished, you will see the message The Integrated install has completed successfully
4. You can now copy the c:\winxp directory to a CD or other location.
5. If you need to make a bootable CD ROM, there are other locations on the Internet with good detailed instructions.
